Our approach
ATREX PHARMA is a distribution company, providing high quality active ingredients and excipients for the manufacture of medecines. We propose a large set of products and adapt ourselves to our clients specifications to offer the best distribution services on the pharmaceutical market.

Our services
We enable you to diversify and secure your purchases by validating new sources of supply and optimizing logistics.
We can help you develop new products by acquiring formulation files and transferring technology.
We guarantee the quality of your products through quality control tests carried out by external laboratories and audits of the various manufacturers.
We can offer you a wide range of financing terms tailored to your needs.
We offer you customized storage solutions and specialized support to simplify your administrative and regulatory procedures.
We ensure full traceability of your products with rigorous management procedures throughout the international shipping process.

Order our services
Contact us
Atrex Pharma
Carrer Can Milans, Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona, spain, 08110